El fin de los templarios y de las cruzadas y Ramón Llull (1232-1316)
Conference about the end of Templars in the writings of the philosopher Ramon Llull.
Conference about the end of Templars in the writings of the philosopher Ramon Llull.
The contents of the Second Book of Convivio (c.1304-1307) from Dante and discuss the philosophical foundations of his analogy between seven Liberal Arts and seven planets.
The Somnium Scipionis of Marcus Tullius Cicero: translation and analysis.
What exactly is the profession of the Historian? How reliable is what we produce? After all, what is History? Our purpose is to defend History as Art, and that our historical comprehension should be based on analysis of the sources, never forget that the pursuit of the historian is the search for truth.
This article analysis the work British Destruction by Saint Gildas.
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