A Questão Palestina e o Estado de Israel
The conference examines the formation of Israel and the Palestinian Question.
The conference examines the formation of Israel and the Palestinian Question.
Very brief consideration about the female condition in the Middle Ages, with some examples of women who stood out in their activities (political, religious, etc.) such as Radegund (c.520-587), Dhuoda (c.803-843), Agnes of Burgundy (†1068), and several others, from Rictrude (c.614-688) to Christine de Pisan (1364-1430).
Study on Education founded on the Spirit based on the Western bookish tradition, on the love of the printed word. Its trajectory from Greece and Rome and its dissemination of Christianity, with the leading role of the Catholic Church. From the first Christian religious to the tradition founded by Benedict of Nursia (480-547) and Cassiodorus (c.485-585), to Saint Boniface OSB (c.672-754) and the Encyclopedism of Isidore of Seville (c.560-636).
The concept of Eternity in the Ramon Llull’s philosophy from the works Fèlix o Llibre de meravelles, Arbor scientiae, Liber qui debet homo de Deo credere, Ars breuis, Liber correlatiuorum innatorum, Liber natalis pueri paruuli Christi Jesu and Liber de ciuitate mundi.
Leprosy in Middle Ages, its history, medical perception and social attitude toward manifestation of the disease. We present some excerpts from Començaments de Medicina (The Principles of Medicine) by the philosopher Ramon Llull (1232-1316) which presents the theoretical foundations of his Medicine: a metaphorical art that links the Hippocratic four elements and Theology using numeric symbolism.
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