A conquista de Córdoba (1236)
Por Fernando III, o Santo (1199-1252)
The conquest of Cordova by Saint Ferdinand III.
The conquest of Cordova by Saint Ferdinand III.
The Dream (Lo somni) of Bernat Metge (1340-1413) is one of the classical works of the fifteenth century. The purpose is to present the evidences presented by Metge for the immortality of the soul, important meditation to Medieval Philosophy.
The concept of courtly love in eight songs (cançons) of the Catalan medieval troubadour Berenguer de Palou.
Nuestra propuesta es presentar el concepto de Belleza en las obras Retòrica Nova (1301) y el Llibre de contemplació (1271-1274) del filósofo Ramón Llull, idea central retórica para convertir el mundo al Cristianismo, y mostrar sus respectivos temas, exempla y proverbios.
How the philosopher Ramon Llull depicted of Muhammad and the Qur'an in his writings, showing the Prophet as a man unclean, possessed, epileptic and misleading, and the Qur'an as a work confusing, misleading and filled falsehoods and lusty songs.
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