Ramon Llull (1232-1316) foi o filósofo da tolerância na Idade Média?
O Livro do Tártaro e o Cristão (1288)
Analysis of the concept of tolerance and its inapplicability to the study of relations between religions in the Middle Ages.
Analysis of the concept of tolerance and its inapplicability to the study of relations between religions in the Middle Ages.
The imaginary debate in Librum disputationis Petri et Raimundi phantastici and analyze the limits of the medieval dialogue. Debate or conversion? In addition, I was a iconographic analysis of one of the most famous artistic representations of Ramon Llull: “The rear of the army and relief of Mr. Ramon Llull of Majorca to destroy the tower of Falsehood and Ignorance”, seventh miniature from Breviculum (1325).
The aim is to show how the Middle Ages also owned projects pluralist and peaceful coexistence.