A arquitetura sagrada e a Natureza nas Cantigas de Santa María
The purpose is to analyze the iconography illuminations from three songs and one praise presents in the Cantigas de Santa María, by Alfonso X the Wise (1221-1284).
The purpose is to analyze the iconography illuminations from three songs and one praise presents in the Cantigas de Santa María, by Alfonso X the Wise (1221-1284).
The purpose is to present the academic community our translation of Cantiga 103, made directly from the Galician-Portuguese, in addition to its close thematic relationship with the corresponding illumination.
Brief iconographic analysis of Cantiga 25 by Cantigas de Santa Maria, which is narrated a miracle of the Virgin with a loan of money from a Jew to a Christian, and consequently miraculous conversion of the Jew.
Iconographic analysis of three iluminures contained in The Great Book of Manuscripts Songs of Heidelberg (XIII century). Third part.
Iconographic analysis of three iluminures contained in The Great Book of Manuscripts Songs of Heidelberg (XIII century). Second part.
Iconographic analysis of four iluminures contained in The Great Book of Manuscripts Songs of Heidelberg (XIII century). First part.