

Ética e Estética da Música

Na filosofia de Ramon Llull (1232-1316)

Brief exposition of the importance of Music in Western aesthetic thought. Since Plato, and later, in the Middle Ages, San Isidore of Seville, Guido of Arezzo and Ramon Llull, all had thinkers who did meditations on the importance of the aesthetics of harmonic sounds for human existence. In relation to Llull, we deal with the subject from the works Doctrina pueril (c.1274-1276), Fèlix o el Libre de meravelles (c.1289), Arbre de Ciència (c.1295-1296), Ars generalis ultima (c.1305), Ars brevis (1308) and especially, the Libre de contemplació en Déu (c.1273-1274).


A sapientia christiana e a analogia das artes liberais em um Sermão de São Vicente Ferrer (1350-1419)

This article contains an exposition and an analysis on the theme of the Liberal Arts in a sermon of Saint Vincent Ferrer, renowned Dominican Valencian preacher during the passage between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. We intend to show that the Liberal Arts are addressed by the sermonist within the traditional theoretical scope of classification of sciences in the medieval period, as branches of knowledge for the service of the higher science, Theology, to avail the scholastic dictum philosophia ancilla theologiae.
